Monday, September 8, 2008

Confused, and I don't like it

This Sarah Palin nomination has me all a wiggled up on the inside of my brain.

I was listening to NPR on my way in to work this morning and they had a piece on the 2 sides of this debate. The Mommy Wars. Ugh. The "You Go Girl" versus the "How Could You?" I find myself coming down on the "How Could You?" side and it makes me a little uncomfortable.

The feminist in me believes it is time for a woman in the White House. There is no reason a woman couldn't or shouldn't be the leader of the free world. I like to think she would do a much better job than the peckerheads that have come before. No war, an end to poverty, free quality education for all, universal health care, marriage equality, etc. I am not that naive however. Or maybe I am too cynical. (And I would never, ever vote for this woman in particular, obviously with that list above!)

The parent in me is shocked and appalled that the mother of an infant, and a special needs infant no less, would sign up for the job of Vice President of US Americans. And she is going to be a first time grandmother to her 17 year old daughter's child. What the What? If there is anything I have learned from this parenting gig, it is that you can't have it all to the extent you want it.

Vice President is no 9-5er, its no 6-12er even. It appears from my perch to be a 24-7er. And I am judging here, but either you aren't putting in the time for your children or you aren't putting in the time for your country. When will she have time to sit under her grandbaby? When will she find time to conspire to out CIA agents?

It isn't that I think a mother shouldn't be on the presidential ticket, but not a mother of so much at this time in her life. I like to think I would have the same judgement for a man in her same situation. I am really interested in other folks opinions on this. So pipe up if you have one, and I know you do. We all have them, as the joke goes.

P.S. On a totally ridiculous note: what happens if she leaks breastmilk on Meet the Press? That is totally sexist, I would never ask that question of a man.

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